Vacant property tax

Discussion in 'Accounting & Tax' started by justine77, 27th Apr, 2024.

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  1. justine77

    justine77 Well-Known Member

    2nd Jul, 2015
    Re vacant property tax
    The owner of a unit is
    Self employed
    And needed an office to work from

    Due to covid all major renovations stopped on his ppr including with his office, rendering his office and home unlivable

    So he was forced to use his rental unit for his office

    He is now hoping to prepare the rental unit for rental in the next months

    Will he have to pay
    Vacant property tax
    Got his un rented unit
    If he was forced to use it as an office due to covid stopping repairs and by unreliable workmen and problems such as termites in the rental property which rendered the rental unit unrentable uninhabitable
  2. NedKelly

    NedKelly Well-Known Member

    3rd Aug, 2015
    Gold Coast
    Don't expect lame excuses to dissuade a state from taking their fair share of your money.
  3. Paul@PAS

    Paul@PAS Tax, Accounting + SMSF + All things Property Tax Business Plus Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Past actual use isnt relevant to the vacancy rules other than making the property in use. This tax may apply to different extents in some states if a property is owned and not let or occupied. ie the definition is self explanatory ie VACANT. eg Vic = vacant for the preceeding 6 months in the preceeding calendar year. There is also a commonwealth FEE for vacant property that may apply.

    Vacant residential land tax | State Revenue Office
    Vacancy fee return for foreign owners | Australian Taxation Office

    If a property was unlivable a person may be absent but isnt occupying so land tax and other surcharges could be imposed.