The I am grateful thread. Share your silver lining!

Discussion in 'Investor Psychology & Mindset' started by Alex P Keaton, 7th Feb, 2018.

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  1. Alex P Keaton

    Alex P Keaton Well-Known Member

    14th Nov, 2017

    I thought I'd start a "what am I grateful for thread". I got the idea after replying in the first world problems thread.

    When/if something happens I look for the positives.

    Like today I found myself starting to have a whinge. I've come down with the flu. Im having to take some time off work. I'm upset and disappointed I can't join in at training as I'm getting fitter and really enjoying it. I'm also doing well losing weight but the weight loss has slowed down the last few days as I haven't been able to exercise.

    There is a silver lining

    It's good timing because my workmate and I have to move location in a couple of weeks time so it's better to be under the weather now than then when we are under new management and being trained.

    My puppies were fixed and are not allowed to exercise for a while whilst they recover so it has been good timing in that we both can't exercise at the same time. The time off from work will also give me time to read and post on property chat and read books.
    EN710, Sackie and Perthguy like this.
  2. Perthguy

    Perthguy Well-Known Member

    22nd Jun, 2015
    Often times there is a silver lining @Alex P Keaton. I am doing a build and everything is going wrong. I consider it a learning process on how to do things better next time.
  3. Gockie

    Gockie Life is good ☺️ Premium Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    I an grateful to be healthy, enjoying life, enjoying summertime, learning new things, I have very talented colleagues at work who are nice to be around, I am challenged at work, transport to work is easy, my volleyball teams are awesome (and so far undefeated this year!!!), I have an amazing PPOR, my finances are going fine, and I think my home life is good?
    ellejay and Alex P Keaton like this.
  4. Alex P Keaton

    Alex P Keaton Well-Known Member

    14th Nov, 2017
    Yep. Good Onya!

    Looking back over the years I've been disappointed at times. For example once I was bitterly disappointed over a job loss and I'm getting goose pimples reliving and sharing this memory. I was extremely happy there doing the tasks and I felt right at home, got on like a house on fire with my colleagues and especially with one in particular who I developed a very close bond and love for.

    Management decided to change my duties even though I was doing a great job at what I was there to do, and I didn't want to stay on because it wasn't what I wanted and could cope with. I was devastated at the time and felt hard done by. Not only because I had to lose my job (I went back to my old one that I was struggling at). but because it meant I had to leave my friend behind who I had developed strong feelings for.

    Long story short I'm so grateful it happened as I have had tremendous personal growth from the lessons learned. My colleague/friend was my catalyst that propelled me to work through past issues that needed to be healed. I was put there to meet my friend, it was never going to be a long term job there like I was hoping, but something far better happened. From the heart break of separation I've been healing, learning and growing.

    So yep. Look for the silver lining. Out of all difficulties and challenges in life there is a silver lining. Things happen for a reason. You are on a journey of growth. Everything works out for the best.
    Last edited: 7th Feb, 2018
    Gockie and Perthguy like this.
  5. Alex P Keaton

    Alex P Keaton Well-Known Member

    14th Nov, 2017

    I find the more I'm appreciating, the more things that came into my view/into my life to appreciate. :)

    It's the universal law. What you focus on is what you get. Like eg those who focus and talk about being poor stay poor, those who talk most of wealth are wealthy. Focus on abundance and plenty of jobs for everyone and you'll get a job. If you are fearful and have the scarcity lack mentality you will bring that into your reality and be unemployed. Because you have that vibration going on. Ie. You get what you focus on, if you want it or not.
    Gockie and Perthguy like this.
  6. Perthguy

    Perthguy Well-Known Member

    22nd Jun, 2015
    That explains why I have so much going on! I talked about projects and now I have a doozy of a project. I know things have not run smooth the whole time but I love it and I am glad I took it on. I am learning so much and I love that too.
    Alex P Keaton likes this.
  7. Sackie

    Sackie Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Vaucluse, Sydney.
    Grateful for my family and that we are all healthy and happy. What else could I ask for.
    Alex P Keaton and Perthguy like this.
  8. Dan Donoghue

    Dan Donoghue Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    Gold Coast, QLD
    I am grateful for every factor since birth that has brought me to today both good and bad, it's all been part of the learning experience that has made me who I am, I love my life, I truly do :).
    Alex P Keaton and Sackie like this.
  9. EN710

    EN710 Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    For something recent and more specific - I need to stay temporarily in Sydney for work (hubby and pups are in Melbourne) and I am very lucky to have a great friend that happily let me stay at her place

    Even when I am frustrated when things were not where I want it to be, they are better than I often portray them to be. In many ways I am living a blessed life :)
    Alex P Keaton, Gockie and Sackie like this.
  10. JacM

    JacM VIC Buyer's Agent - Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat Business Member

    12th Jul, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia

    I am grateful to the folks responsible for creating this video. Absolutely hilarious :p:p:p. I would love to be friends with them - I think they'd be very fun people :).
    Joynz, Alex P Keaton, EN710 and 2 others like this.
  11. Invest_noob

    Invest_noob Well-Known Member

    21st Mar, 2017
    I am grateful to be living in AUSTRALIA! Soo thankful for this. Many people around the world could only dream of living the life that I have. I don't deserve everything that I have more than anyone else but I am lucky to have what I do.
    Alex P Keaton and Jess Peletier like this.
  12. Alex P Keaton

    Alex P Keaton Well-Known Member

    14th Nov, 2017
    Things I am grateful for today

    Grateful I woke up to live another day
    Grateful I lost another 300 grams even though I haven't been able to exercise lately with my flu
    Grateful I get to spend more time with puppies as I'm home from work sick
  13. Jacque

    Jacque Jacque Parker Premium Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    I am grateful for the abundance of my family and friends, my good physical and mental health, a challenging and (mostly :D) enjoyable business, the kindness of strangers, my garden, this amazing country we live in (and too often take for granted) and the freedom that we have to express ourselves and not be persecuted. Life is short. Make the most of it. I also think Holly Butcher said it well just before she died recently. So sad it made me cry, but also made me reflect and be more grateful
    Holly Butcher

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