Terminating under building and pest

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by ostrich98, 24th Apr, 2020.

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  1. The Y-man

    The Y-man Moderator Staff Member

    18th Jun, 2015

    Hi there,

    Must be a stressful time.

    A few things:
    • What does it say on the first page of the contract where the special conditions are noted? From memory, I think the standard REIV form is extremely vague UNLESS you get a lawyer to word the condition for you and your write it in. If you just sign it as it is, I think it implies that the house needs to be on the verge of collapse before it takes effect. As such, the just be prepared for the vendor's lawyers to challenge you as to whether the property is in such a bad state that you can pull out (especially in times like this when it is a difficult time for sellers).
    • The report seems to note nothing that is of major structural damage. As others have observed above, while the ceiling is noted as a safety issue, it does not indicate structural damage - just that it needs new ceiling panels put in. The cause MAY be an ongoing leak, but this is something roof people/plumbers can fix. Importantly, from the snippet you posted, I do not see the inspector has found any permanent water damage to the frame (which is structural).
    • The bit that says "Major Structural Defects" as far as I can figure is a heading for the section, and ONLY a "safety hazard" (bolded) has been found. My interpretation of the report as shown is that NO "major structural defect" or "major" defect has been found?
    • The footings sound like good news - timber termite bait has been replaced by concrete stumps.

    At this stage, I'd say:
    • You are suffering form a major bout of buyer's remorse
    • The best option (if your conveyancer can't bin this purchase) is probably to negotiate a lower price with the vendor to compensate for the cost of fixing the ceiling and glass.

    As I have written elsewhere, in Vic I get the inspection done BEFORE I put an offer in - so I know what I am getting and don't get into a situation like this (Qld is a totally different kettle of fish).

    Just for completeness - did you have a finance clause in there too?

    The Y-man
    Archaon likes this.
  2. ostrich98

    ostrich98 Well-Known Member

    29th Jul, 2016
    Yes she did. She wrote it on the email/review of contract that the cooling off period is the 20th of April (contract signed on 16th). We checked this with her after finding out that we could only get the inspector in on Tuesday 21st.

    Hi thanks for breaking this down. Not buyer’s remorse I would say - more to the fact that it was not what we expected. We were not prepared to pay $50-100k to fix a house that seemed to have safety hazards.
    Yeap also subject to finance
  3. Paul@PAS

    Paul@PAS Tax, Accounting + SMSF + All things Property Tax Business Plus Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    If it's 50-100k tell the bank and ask if they will agree to value without defects....yeah right.

    Finance refused based on valuation shortfall.
    Archaon and The Y-man like this.
  4. The Y-man

    The Y-man Moderator Staff Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    I was going to say I have seen a lot more contracts crash on finance than B&P - I imagine it would even be more common now....

    The Y-man
  5. ostrich98

    ostrich98 Well-Known Member

    29th Jul, 2016
    The bank did a desktop valuation and was satisfied with the value.

    Will check with my bank about the finance clause - not sure what the bank would say about this unless one of us “lost job” before the finance clause due date
  6. Terry_w

    Terry_w Lawyer, Tax Adviser and Mortgage broker in Sydney Business Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Australia wide
    You could ask them to get a full val - but consider carefully