Property elevation data

Discussion in 'Property Information Resources & Tools' started by alexpreston, 15th Apr, 2024.

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  1. alexpreston

    alexpreston Well-Known Member

    5th Apr, 2021
    Hi everyone,

    Brisbane City Council makes available for download, a CSV with all 730,000+ properties listed in it, with each one's address, and geo coordinates, etc.

    I'm wondering if anyone knows if there is such a CSV showing each property's elevation (i.e. above sea level). For each property, I'd like to know:
    • elevation at lowest point
    • elevation at highest point
    • average elevation (this wouldn't necessarily be exactly midway between low/high)
    If this isn't data readily available, the other obvious way to calculate/collate it all myself, is to rely on the properties' geo coordinates.

    In that case, I need to find a programmatical way of converting lat/long to elevation. For that, I've found online calculators, but so far I've only found ones where you can try one at a time. I need to find an API to look up the elevations of 730,000+ Brisbane City Council properties.

  2. alexpreston

    alexpreston Well-Known Member

    5th Apr, 2021
    Ugh, it gets even worse... I just realised the data I have from council only contains "Northing" and "Easting" info, so I'd have to get elevation from that, or convert those to lat/long first.