Proactive strategy for the case of interest rate increase i.e. 8%

Discussion in 'Investment Strategy' started by PropertyInsight, 30th Oct, 2017.

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  1. PropertyInsight

    PropertyInsight Well-Known Member

    22nd Jun, 2017
    Many PCer talked about what happened if interest rate increase i.e 8%. I would like to get all your inputs in one thread here. Many people have already mentioned the following proactive approaches:

    1. Fixed the interest
    2. Reserve fund
    3. Sell non-performed IP - if the price drops at the time, we bear a loss.
    4. find extra income, work on 2nd job, drive a uber
    5. rent out garage or spare room
    6. what else?

    I believe that successful investor is the one that can overcome the hardship time.