OZ Bureau of Statistics

Discussion in 'Living Room' started by CowPat, 24th Jun, 2019.

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  1. willair

    willair Well-Known Member Premium Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    ....UKI nth nsw ....
    In Queensland, it’s not illegal to simply record a conversation you’re involved in (either over the phone or face-to-face) without the consent of the other people involved in the conversation, but there are restrictions on what you can do with the recording. It is illegal to record private conversations that you’re not involved in - get legal advice.
  2. CowPat

    CowPat Well-Known Member

    20th Jan, 2016
    I'm not in NSW
    I'm not aloud in
  3. geoffw

    geoffw Moderator Staff Member

    15th Jun, 2015
    Sorry, your profile says that you are in NSW. My mistake.
  4. Noobieboy

    Noobieboy Well-Known Member

    10th Aug, 2017
    To my knowledge, It is illegal to record phone calls unless both parties provide consent. This is why all banks and companies always play the message that they are recording for “training” purposes.

    Just a heads up that if I was in same position I’ll stop immediately and would seek advice on deleting recordings. I would be very worried if someone filed a lawsuit.
  5. Noobieboy

    Noobieboy Well-Known Member

    10th Aug, 2017
    In Queensland, even if you are recording legally, you can only do so with a recording device that is not attached to the telephone. This means that a Dictaphone or a recorder unattached to the phone, or any other device that captures the sound as it leaves the phone — including a video camera — would need to be used to be legal. Victoria and Northern Territory have the same rules as Queensland. Reference
  6. CowPat

    CowPat Well-Known Member

    20th Jan, 2016
    I can record that employee without their consent or Knowledge
    there is a one party consent and I am the one party

    However if I play that phone call to a third party I could well be liable
    *eg. if I go to the interviewers boss and play the phone call and the boss then sacks the interviewer , then I am opening myself up to a lawsuit in civil court

    Businesses cannot record phone call without consent
    that is why they do the "this phone call may be monitored for training purposes" thing

    Now they have 2 party consent and can play that phone call to a third party

    Rules vary state to state but that's the gist of it .
    @geoffw can you please spell and grammar cheque this ?
  7. Dan Donoghue

    Dan Donoghue Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    Gold Coast, QLD
    She doesn't and she doesn't, it's a requirement of enjoying this great country :).

    Firstly, I think you should work for the press because you could not have possibly worded that in a less favorable light for the ABS who are just doing their job. How about a headline more like this: "85 year old elderly lady coerced into breaking law by anti government radical son who admits to secretly and unlawfully recording phone calls.". It's all in how you spin the story :).

    Secondly, you underlined "my definition", since when does our own personal definition of something matter in something like this?

    Yes, yes you did quite a few times. I would ask why but honestly I don't want to trigger you.

    Mate it's a little concerning that this puts such a large bee in your bonnet, it is such a small matter and my concern is that you are possibly winding your elderly mother up about this whole thing which is WAY worse than her just doing the damn survey.
    Last edited: 27th Jun, 2019
    marty998, Joynz and geoffw like this.
  8. CowPat

    CowPat Well-Known Member

    20th Jan, 2016
    Ok im gonna let most of that go through to the keeper because it’s a load of dribble

    last paragraph is dribble as well but I will deal with it because its full of wrong assumptions
    I can tell you she doesn’t need your concern and let me explain .

    My mother would not let me , you or anybody else influence her at all , she has a “ let me tell you how its going to be “ attitude , she is 85 years old she doesn’t suffer fools and she’s as sharp as a tack . so I don’t think you and her would get on very well at all .

    She spent her working career in the private sector , she was self employed in retail , she ran a small business and grew that one successful shop into Three .

    she worked long hours 55 hours Monday through Friday , Saturday was a work day as well

    and Sunday was spent thinking about the coming week .Allot of this time was spent dealing with copious amounts of regulatory red tape , she hated it and saw it as valuable time she could be spent with her family .

    when I was growing up she would talk about Public or Civil servants she would say “in the past these are the people who could not make it in the private sector “ we paid their wages and they were here to serve us .

    Now it’s the other way round through bureaucracy high taxes and red tape they are the Masters and we are the servants . When so many of theses people now suck on the government teet , of cause they have to validate their jobs as necessary and seek to increase the regulations that provide them a high paid job with very little work and of cause Geoff wants to ride the gravy train as well

    She has never shirked her civic responsibility’s ,she is a self-funded retiree
    And as a protest she is saying "NO I don’t want the ASB threating me"
    She see’s this as more top heavy government interfering with its citizens .

    I also started my own business in the private sector , I went into construction.
    I am an unpaid tax collector and I understand exactly how she feels and we have discussed it at length

    I think every business owner would feel the same way , so im sorry that you and your bureaucratic mates think your silly little red tape survey is so important …………. but she done not .
  9. Joynz

    Joynz Well-Known Member

    5th Apr, 2016
    Well, that’s a completely different picture of your mother than the ‘frail elderly lady’ quaking in her house at the thought of a stranger knocking on the door’ image you conjured up on your previous posts!

    And she is definitely shirking her civic responsibility.
  10. geoffw

    geoffw Moderator Staff Member

    15th Jun, 2015
    I really resent being named as riding a gravy train. I've worked damn hard in my life. I had a business for eight years working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. At the end I couldn't get back into computing, a profession I loved, and the person I sold my business to cheated $400,000 out of me. That's why I applied for a job with ABS, as I don't have enough for retirement, and I'm almost unemployable. So while assumptions have been made about your mother, you've made assumptions about me which are completely incorrect.

    And as a business owner, I've also had my share of bureaucracy, dealing with various government entities, including the ABS. I figure it's just a cost of doing business. I deal with them, and get on with running the business.
  11. Dan Donoghue

    Dan Donoghue Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    Gold Coast, QLD
    I had a big reply ready to go but I deleted it because honestly it's just not worth it. I have a feeling you will just keep talking garbage without actually addressing anything.

    Here's a summary (because anything longer than this seems to be outside your attention span and labeled as dribble):

    Your mum is doing the wrong thing.

    You are condoning it.

    You go on to claim something posted is dribble because it calls you out on your crap.

    Then you keep switching your story to make it work in your favour (which it isn't).

    I don't care if your mum is frail and scared of the boogeymen LATE at 5:10pm on a Sunday or if she is damn superwoman. She is doing the wrong thing.

    Good luck to you both in your quest to "stick it to the man".
    Joynz, SatayKing and geoffw like this.
  12. CowPat

    CowPat Well-Known Member

    20th Jan, 2016
    Thanks for the best wishes ...... because your opinion means a lot too me

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