Legal Tip 370: Discretionary Trusts and Others ‘Buying into’ an Investment

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by Terry_w, 8th Jan, 2022.

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  1. Terry_w

    Terry_w Lawyer, Tax Adviser and Mortgage broker in Sydney Business Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Australia wide
    Discretionary trusts are great, but where you want to sell part of an asset held in a discretionary trust there is no ability to bring in others, who are not beneficiaries, other than by transferring title.

    If the asset was held by a company or a unit trust then the shares could be transferred (if a company) or units (if a unit trust). This makes it harder, messier, and more costly to do. It might be done by 3 separate entities entering into a partnership agreement perhaps, but that complicates things.


    Homer has conducting his snow ploughing business through a discretionary trust. He wants to bring in 2 ‘partners’ so they each own 1/3 of the business. This is not really possible with a discretionary trust.

    If it was a unit trust Homer could transfer 2/3rds of the units in the trust to his mates Barney and Ned. If it was a company, he could have transferred 2/3rds of the shares, but with a discretionary trust there is nothing t transfer as no beneficiary has any interest in the trust or its assets. The only way would be to transfer ownership of the business itself to3 entities with perhaps a company as agent for them. Messy.