Building Inspector - Recommendations

Discussion in 'Property Experts' started by SaberX, 27th Jan, 2016.

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  1. SaberX

    SaberX Well-Known Member

    29th Jun, 2015
    Hi all,

    Needed to get an urgent quote (for financing purposes) for a building inspector.

    New home build - WA/Perth Based. Would appreciate some recommendations from those who have seen building reports and can vouch that they are high quality, high detail, and definitely working for their moneys worth to ensure that all specifications and quality of the building and materials are up to legal and safe standard.

    I haven't got the foggiest of the clue who stands above the crowd in this area. Seems some common household names are housespect? Any other recommendations?

    Any tips as well on number of stages of inspection?

    I facebook messaged one inspector once and was told they generally don't inspect the slab down only stage? I thought being a crucial element one would dedicate an assessment stage to this? Supposedly just one at plate height (perhaps slab examined then) followed by from memory roof on and piping/amenities hooked up, and lastly at practical completion? Would be keen to hear what stages of inspection others have done, and usually do? This will be an eventual IP, but regardless I still want to make sure the high cost to build is just.

    Any idea of typical pricing would be great?

    Many thanks.
  2. SaberX

    SaberX Well-Known Member

    29th Jun, 2015
    Anyone with any recommendation? thanks