BRW Hot Property Annual Ed. 31.7.-3.9.08

Discussion in 'Property Information Resources & Tools' started by Alwayslooking, 31st Jul, 2008.

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  1. Alwayslooking

    Alwayslooking Well-Known Member

    1st Jul, 2015
    My World
    Just purchased the above which include:

    City to City hotspots
    Outlook for housing, rates
    Lenders' new rules
    Making money from shops, offices and factories

    I thought it was a good read.

    Cheers, AL
  2. Chris C

    Chris C Well-Known Member

    1st Jul, 2015
    Brisbane, QLD
    What did the crust of the article say?
  3. Alwayslooking

    Alwayslooking Well-Known Member

    1st Jul, 2015
    My World

    Hi Chris
    the article provided a comprehensive report on each State and what has been happening over the last 12 months, listing top performing areas and 5 year averages. Predictions as far as property goes over the next couple of years, due to various factors ie infrastructure, pop growth.

    There were also comments from various experts on each State and regional hot spots to watch out for. One mentioned by Ryder was Magnetic Island, QLD, providing detailed info on this area.

    Current housing fatigue has grippled the big cities though they believe the resource boom, infrastructure projects and migration flows are still throwing up some good opportunities.

    I was particularly interested in Coburg, Melbourne as there is around $1Billion in projects/redevelopment (2030 plan) underway. This area was highlighted as having good prospects for further growth.

    Much more info in magazine. If you are after anything specific I may be able to help/elaborate, though I recommend you purchase mag, good read.

    Cheers, AL

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