Borrowing Capacity of Self-Employed

Discussion in 'Loans & Mortgage Brokers' started by cckdave, 2nd Jun, 2008.

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  1. cckdave

    cckdave New Member

    1st Jul, 2015
    Sydney NSW
    My friend is running a cafe.

    In 2005,

    Revenue: $354000

    Opening Stock: $10000
    Plus purchase: $56000
    Less closing stock: ($8000)
    Cost of goods sold: $58000

    Gross profit: $296000

    Staff's cost: $94000
    Rent: $18000
    Owner's salary: $30000
    Owner's super: $10000
    Deprecisation: $8400
    Overheads: $18000
    Worker compensation: $8040
    Insurance: $6240
    Advertising: $7200

    total expenses: $213800

    Net profit before tax: $82000

    How do we find out the borrow capacity of my friend? Please help?
  2. Jacque

    Jacque Jacque Parker Premium Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Hi CCK

    Best bet is to have a chat with a good broker- most of them are familiar with self employed persons and their lending criteria. Try ASAP Financial Services - Mortgage Brokers Australia and ask for Rolf Latham. He's been around the blocks, knows his stuff and I can tell you, from personal experience, is very good with finding loans for the self-employed.

    Alternatively, if your friend prefers to try a bank or other lender, go prepared with paperwork and I'm sure they'll come up with the answers for him.

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