Borrow money for family to spend and repay

Discussion in 'Legal Issues' started by brettosm, 6th Aug, 2017.

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  1. sanj

    sanj Well-Known Member Premium Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    I'd look at it.differently, assuming you 2 have a good relationship I'd take the approach life doesn't suxk at all, being in the position to be able to help the old fella take a final overseas trip to his homeland and to pay off some of his debt should leave a smile on your face as there are plenty of people out there who would love to help people in their lives but don't have the ability to.

    Sure there could be more sensible options a d maybe you can get him to meet you half way in terms of where the money goes etc but ultimately life isn't just about maximising sure in the past there would have been times where spending on discretionary items for you meant he couldn't spend it on himself, if we can't help out our parents without judgement then I think it's a bit sad.

    Understandable, to be clear, but still sad.just Imo
    brettosm and Joynz like this.
  2. Bayview

    Bayview Well-Known Member

    22nd Jun, 2015
    Inside your device
    What medical issue is it that he "can't" go to work?

    We had a house built back in 1995...the builder employed a guy to wander around the site, cleaning up rubbish and keeping it tidy, etc...he had only one arm....lost it in a motorbike accident..right from the shoulder.

    I'm 56; have medical issues;
    1. Arthritic thumb at the wrist joint - which constantly hurts; varies in intensity from about 3/10 up to 7/10 - gets you down sometimes, but no big deal.
    2. Depression - fluctuates a bit. I hate work; for several reasons it contributes to the depression..

    I still go to work.

    He has $ off the $10k....still has $20k to go on the trip.

    Once it runs out; go back to work.
    Last edited: 10th Aug, 2017
    Biz, Laken and Brady like this.
  3. brettosm

    brettosm Member

    22nd Apr, 2016
    Diabetes. If he gets a sore on his foot it can get really bad and potentially lead to amputation apparently. He had triple bypass surgery. Recently docs been trying to work out why iron levels are so low.
  4. brettosm

    brettosm Member

    22nd Apr, 2016
    Am borrowing enough to pay his debt and fund his trip to visit family :)
    Thanks all for your assistance, it really helped me workout a decision.
    sanj likes this.