Sports & Fitness The Running Thread (All Abilities)

Discussion in 'Living Room' started by Propagate, 28th Jun, 2017.

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  1. marty998

    marty998 Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    That's some impressive distance Propagate. Looks like you are getting some tangible improvements!

    I did my local fun run on Sunday (the 11.1km Sutherland to Surf). Dropped my time from last year by 3:14 to 52:23 so that made me very happy. :) 4 years ago in 2015 I huffed and puffed my way to a 1:05:59.

    After finishing a 10k today around Pyrmont after work my app says I've run 1,001.0 km in 2019! I did 1,128 for all of 2018, so definitely been able to ramp up the milage this year.

    2 Halfs and a Full scheduled for the next 2 months, so the training will be managed to ensure I don't break down.
    Hodor, paulF and Propagate like this.
  2. Propagate

    Propagate Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Nice work @marty998

    I'm definitely seeing improvement now (aside from a flare up of plantar in my right foot & heel and a sore right calf just from not giving the body any rest time. Only 5 more daily runs to go to see the month out and I can have a rest!

    Almost exactly a year ago I ran my PB fastest half marathon, a mixed trail one near work. I finished in 1:42 with an average hear rate of 175bom and I was destroyed by the end. I was pushing hard the whole way and left it all out there.

    I did the exact same route yesteryear and kept to the 150 max HR I've been doing every day. I got to the end feeling fine, barely broke a sweat and felt like I'd been jogging along pretty slowly. I was very surprised to see I finished at 1:46 with an average HR of 151 bpm! That's a VAST improvement over last years effort. It turned out to be my 3rd fastest ever HM, only 4 minutes off my PB but at 24 bpm less heart rate effort and not a quivering jelly mess at the end. Quite amazing.

    So, I'm sitting on 345k for the month at the end of Day 27 (last night), plus the last two days of June make it 366k in 29 days straight. That's almost 9 marathons at an average rate of a little over two marathons a week.
    marty998 and paulF like this.
  3. paulF

    paulF Well-Known Member

    28th Jun, 2015
    Good stuff @Propagate and @marty998 ! Lots of mileage on both sides, well done.

    I'm taking a whole week off running to see if that lower abs soreness is going to subside. It's not really stopping me from running at all. It's simply annoying and recurring soreness is just not right since the body is not fully recovering it seems.

    I was feeling a little bit bad about it , as in not running when the body is capable of it, but at the same time i know going back to my routine will make things worse in the long run. I want to go back to doing longish distances come Spring so don't want to jeopardize that. Hope fully a week off will do the trick!
    Propagate likes this.
  4. Propagate

    Propagate Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Always good to take a break like that @paulF - same with this heel and calf, a good solid week off and it'll hopefully come good, but I'm so close to doing the month of dailies. If it suddenly gets worse I'll stop though, don't want to risk taking an injury into Spring and missing all the best running weather after slogging all through winter. Hope you get on top of the ab issue.
    paulF likes this.
  5. paulF

    paulF Well-Known Member

    28th Jun, 2015
    I think resting is the hardest part about running lol
    Propagate likes this.
  6. marty998

    marty998 Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    Can relate lol.

    One of the HM's I mention earlier occurred on Sunday. Rolling undulating ups and downs trail on Lady Carrington Drive in the Royal National Park. I set out to do 1:55, and was on target for that at half way (57min) but had so much left in the tank I did a massive negative split in the second half (55min) and finished in 1:52:11, a huge 5 minute PB.

    Definitely going to have a crack at sub 1:50 in August at the Sydney Half :)
    Hodor, Propagate and paulF like this.
  7. paulF

    paulF Well-Known Member

    28th Jun, 2015
    That's pretty awesome @marty998 and obviously whatever you are doing is working out well.

    I'm way off from running a 21km PB i think but my shorter runs (8-10km) are much quicker than they used to be due to running at a quick pace most of the time.
    Although long distance easy runs are pretty much essential to improving speed... Looking forward to Summer runs!
    Propagate likes this.
  8. marty998

    marty998 Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    Yeah it’s funny now.... I used to dread even doing 6km, now when I go for a training run my legs want to do 8 minimum. Anything less feels like a waste of time!
    Propagate and paulF like this.
  9. The Prestige

    The Prestige Well-Known Member

    18th Jul, 2018
    Who is doing city 2 surf?
  10. Hodor

    Hodor Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Sounds like some good KMs are been done. I've still got some Achilles tendonitis and big knots in the calf I tore last year. Starting to do some runs again and short spin biking and it's leading to improvement so I'm going to stay the course as long as the injuries keep steady/improve. I think using a roller and easy rides (active recovery) is working much better.

    I can't understand this. If I climb 500m on a hill run my body is 500m higher up. On a treadmill I'm still at 0m. If the tax man is nice I'm going to treat myself to a treadmill finally so I'm happy to hear good things about them.
  11. Propagate

    Propagate Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Yes, you have not moved up but the treadmill has theoretically moved down (the belt has anyway). Same principle as the horizontal running, you haven't gone forward but you've still ran 1k, 10k whatever, it's just the belt moved instead of you. The motor side of it doesn't come into it, you are propelling yourself to catch the belt with each step.

    With the incline, yes, you have still stayed at zero elevation but as the belt moved downward away from you have had to "step up" to catch it again.

    I can tell you this, after doing several runs at between 3% and 15% on mine now it is every bit as hard as running up a hill outside and hurts in all the same place. HR goes through the roof as soon as the incline increases so I back the pace right off.

    I read a few things about it, as I too thought it wasn't the same, but the physics back it up, and I'm no way clever enough to begin to try and explain what I "think" I know about it ;-)

    Running on a treadmill and running outside (both flat or incline) are the same, the only difference is lack of wind resistance indoors, which is why you often hear people say to run at 1% incline on a treadmill, the extra work involved in the slight incline more than offsets the missing wind resistance.
  12. Propagate

    Propagate Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    DONE! Yestrdays 12k run completed a full month daily run streak for a total of 404k in July, add in the two days end of June when I started and that makes 33 days, 425k which is 10 marathons in 4.7 weeks. Amazingly, although it was all low heart rate runs, I still managed to bag a whole bunch pf PR's, including back-to-back half trail marathons at the weekend.

    Two days rest then I'll go do a fun trail run at the weekend and ignore hear rate, just run for the fun of it.

    I feel surprisingly good and strong, most of the niggles that started up about 3 weeks in have pretty much all ran off.
    mrdobalina, marty998 and paulF like this.
  13. Heinz57

    Heinz57 Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Alcohol can impede recovery from muscle injury so your poison free body is repairing itself more quickly perhaps?
    Propagate and paulF like this.
  14. paulF

    paulF Well-Known Member

    28th Jun, 2015
    Another great positive about running on a treadmill is that it can be a lot softer on your joints. I used to do a few kms on them before but found that running outside is much more challenging and not the same even at an incline. I think because on a treadmill, the run is very linear so it's easy to keep the same pace but on uneven surfaces, it can be a lot harder. Still, I think they have their place in any good training program
    Propagate likes this.
  15. paulF

    paulF Well-Known Member

    28th Jun, 2015
    mrdobalina and Propagate like this.
  16. Propagate

    Propagate Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Interesting read @paulF and pretty much mirrors my own experience of it. I ended up keeping up my streak, didn't feel right not running the next day, so I've kept it up (albeit a minimum of 5k per day now, not 10, so at least I can free up more time for other things if need be).

    Yesterday was the 43rd day in a row.

    I've also relaxed my low HR only stuff now that month block is done, just to make it more interesting. I'm going back to a more conventional 3x week, one long run, one tempo run or fartlek session and an easy run. The remaining days will all be easy runs. The difference this time is I'll keep the HR monitor going and make sure the easy runs really are easy. Previously, like a lot of runners I think, the easy runs are too fast and the hard runs too easy, so all you're doing is a ton of junk miles per week. Too fast to recover properly in between or not hard enough with proper rest afterward to make the adaptations. That month block of exclusive low HR was a great reset.

    Interestingly, as alluded by the article, I feel so much stronger now for doing a lot of low intensity volume and, although I got a bit sore after about 3 weeks which thankfully seemed to run off, no injuries as such. Still struggling little with the toes, but they are very slowly coming good.

    My general easy pace has increased about 15 seconds per k for the same HR after that training block I'd say. Quite remarkable. Last weekend I did a 33k mixed trail run from my house and back, some flat sections, some pavement, couple of big climbs, and lots of single track. I felt great the whole way, it ended up having almost 500 meters of climbing all up and I finished sub 3 hours and smashed my previous (flat) 30k PB.

    Last Thursday I set out from work to do a 10k lunchtime loop, gave myself an extra 10-15bpm on the HR to make it a tempo run day but pretty much wanted to just run to "feel". I knew I was motoring along, I wasn't on the rivet but I was working pretty hard. Got back, showered, ate, checked my times and I'd PB'd my 5k and 10k. I was gobsmacked, particular as the first 3k is straight up hill and I stopped to let two B-Doubles out of a side road, then the next couple of k is hilly dirt track which I stopped on to fight off an overly friendly puppy. I haven't come close to those PB's in 12 months and I felt fine after, whereas last time I was a wreck after smashing myself to get the PB's. Pretty interesting stuff.

    Was hoping to get a 40k in this weekend, but with the arctic weather, plus Saturday and Sunday all day and fighting a cold that's going round, I opted for a couple of easy evening treadmill sessions instead. I might just have a week of daily easy 5's for a rest then do a big trail run on Saturday, weather permitting.

    Hope everyone else is getting their K's in?
    marty998 and paulF like this.
  17. Gockie

    Gockie Life is good ☺️ Premium Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    My niece came second in her school's 800m race out of all the 8, 9, 10 year old kids. Huge school and we don't know where she gets the talent from, she doesn't do little athletics. She made zone again. But my sister says the school doesn't arrange transport for the event and it's really far away... So her daughter won't be competing.
    Propagate likes this.
  18. paulF

    paulF Well-Known Member

    28th Jun, 2015
    Don't know your sisters situation but It's a shame your niece won't make it to the event.
    Growing up fit and healthy has a long lasting effect on us humans especially in this day and age were most kids are stuck to some sort of screen all day. Add to that, your niece would most probably meet some great company and like minded friends at the event... Hopefully, she'll make it there somehow
    Propagate likes this.
  19. Gockie

    Gockie Life is good ☺️ Premium Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    She's a very active kid, she dances, does acro. There's just not enough time for her to do everything. I'd like her to do aerial tissue too, she's a natural at that but also her bedtime is not long after 7pm so it would be too hard for me to take her after school.
    Note, there also a $10 fee for her to participate. Just crazy.

    But in other news, I now know some very accomplished (world reknown) unicyclists. After spending so much time with parents of one them, I may end up attending the unicycle convention (unicon) in France next year.
    Last edited: 14th Aug, 2019
    paulF likes this.
  20. Scott No Mates

    Scott No Mates Well-Known Member

    18th Jun, 2015
    Sydney or NSW or Australia
    And I thought that I was good at derailing threads :D

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