how to find land values in vic?

Discussion in 'Accounting & Tax' started by Elives, 8th Jul, 2020.

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  1. Elives

    Elives Well-Known Member

    19th Jun, 2015
    Hi All,

    i'm considering buying in vic and wanting to know how do you find the land valuations on properties prior to buying them? so i'm able to calculate the land tax payable etc. in qld these are made available on rpdata but vic they are not. i'm not wanting to have to ask every agent to ask the owner for a rates notice etc as this type of thing normally drags out over a week per property and is to time consuming is there a quicker way? what do you guys do?

    also approx for a standard 400-600m2 1970 3bed house 1mil purchase price how much would the land value be 800k?

    Cheers, Elives

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