Easement with ROW; garage at downslope - seeking advice

Discussion in 'What to buy' started by Weinilourson, 19th May, 2022.

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  1. Weinilourson

    Weinilourson Active Member

    20th May, 2017
    Hi all, may I please ask for some advice:

    1) Easement with right of way: the property I am looking at is the benefiting property, at the rear of the block. The easement is on the land in front of the house, giving a right of way for us to access our garage. Would this affect property value vs a similar house with its down driveway that doesn’t need to be shared? If so, by how much? Should this type of property be avoided?
    It’s Torrens titled.

    2) the garage is at the end of a downward slope. Should this be avoided due to flooding risks?

    Thanks in advance!

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