QLD Get an advice on choosing a block

Discussion in 'Property Analysis' started by Samj, 4th Dec, 2017.

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  1. Samj

    Samj Well-Known Member

    14th Mar, 2016

    We have been looking for a small block to build a house. We found a few blocks in Mitchelton. The developer has published a lots of details about all the lots. I would like to get a third party service to advise me to understand these documents. So I can choose a block with minimum building cost. They all are pretty flat. But each lot has different levels of cut and fill. Some block already have retaining walls.

    I am just wondering any of you know from where can I get advice for this?

    I have linked those document below to show what I am talking about.

    Harridan | Residential: Oxford Park, Mitchelton

    Thank you!
  2. Tom Rivera

    Tom Rivera Property Manager Business Member

    1st Jul, 2015
    South East Queensland
    Hey Sam, I can help you understand the documents. We also work with Harridan so if you want to go further I can stay alongside.

    Off the top of my head;
    - Most of the blocks haven't seen too much fill, and they have compaction certificates, which means cost effective foundations on these blocks. There are some areas with around 3-4m of fill so you need to be careful there.
    - They're all pretty much completely dead flat as you said.
    - All blocks unlikely to have acoustic requirements.
    - All blocks unlikely to have bushfire requirements.
    - Easements down the rear unlikely to be any sort of detriment to construction or value.

    We don't have covenants or siting plans (setbacks, zero lot side, etc).

    I'd also keep an eye on the neighbourhood zoning.
    JUNE L likes this.
  3. Samj

    Samj Well-Known Member

    14th Mar, 2016
    Hi Tom,

    Thank you very much for your reply and really appreciate it.

    I found another land couple of KMs away from Cribb street and apparently it's looking good. Address is 27 Pershing St, Keppera. I've looked at contour lines in Brisbane interactive map and there is just one meter slop towards the street (just in the building area).Do you have any idea about this area?

    Kind regards,
  4. Tom Rivera

    Tom Rivera Property Manager Business Member

    1st Jul, 2015
    South East Queensland
    Keperra seems to be evergreen, always popular and a strong performer. The Keperra thread has a bit of good info- I notice you already found it. I don't spend too much time in the area though so I haven't really got any insider insight to add.

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